
Qu Yuan -- Give Me Romance or Give Me Death!

Qu Yuan, a renowned poet and statesman of ancient China, is often hailed as one of the greatest literary figures in Chinese history. His works are celebrated for their profound emotional depth and timeless themes of love, patriotism, and sacrifice.

Who was Qu Yuan?

Qu Yuan was a poet and minister in the ancient state of Chu during the Warring States period of Chinese history. He was known for his integrity, loyalty to his country, and his unwavering commitment to his principles.


What were his contributions?

Qu Yuan is best known for his poetry, particularly his masterpiece "Li Sao" or "The Lament." This epic poem tells the story of his exile and his deep love for his country. His works are filled with rich imagery, powerful emotions, and profound philosophical insights.


Under the influence of Qu Yuan, more and more poets began to use this new style to write Chu ballads, known as Chu Ci. It is the earliest collection of romantic poetry and the source of romantic literature. Together with the Guo-Feng in the Book of Songs, it is called "风骚(Feng Sao)", which is also the origin of this term.


《楚辞精注精译精评》一函四册 ←点击查看 
《诗经精注精译精评》一函两册 ←点击查看

Why is he remembered?

Qu Yuan's legacy lives on through the annual Dragon Boat Festival, where people race dragon boats to commemorate his sacrifice. He is also revered as a symbol of integrity, patriotism, and the power of literature to inspire and uplift the human spirit.


Qu Yuan's poetry continues to resonate with readers around the world, capturing the essence of human emotions and the enduring power of love and sacrifice. His words remind us of the importance of staying true to our beliefs and standing up for what we believe in, even in the face of adversity.



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